Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Friday, January 11, 2008

A night in the life of a boring Mommy

Last night, I tried to spice things up a bit for Little Man A. We couldn't go for a walk - it was raining and cold, we had already watched 3 tv shows (I try to limit it to 60 minutes per day - even that I think is too much when I total it), and I was bored. As he was sleeping, I tried thumbing through "The Toddler's Busy Book" I got for Christmas.

It has ideas for "rainy days" (perfect! that's today!), Kids in the kitchen (too young), Water play (more for outside), Outdoor adventure (hello? it's 30 degrees and raining!), music and movement and a few others. Some of these ideas I have to seriously question the people who made them up.

Ice cube bags: Mix water and food coloring (enough for two ice cubes of each color) and pour into ice cube try. When frozen, place a yellow and a red ice cube into one Ziploc bag, a red and a blue into a second, and a yellow and blue into a third bag. Younger children will enjoy moving ice cubes around in the bags, while older children will enjoy watching what happens when the two colors melt together.

Seriously?? My child would take one look at it, throw it across the room and proceed to a different toy. And I'm sure an older child would sit still long enough to watch them melt? Come on.

Anyways, I happen to come across one that involved balloons. I have balloons, I thought! Let's just blow them up and bounce them around the room. Little Man A loved looking at all the balloons from his birthday. This is a no brainer. I'm excited.

I carefully blew up three balloons (I've had them for awhile and didn't know if they would be any good). And waited for the perfect moment to show them to Little Man A.
At first, he was really excited. He even started to kick them around. And he loved to watch Mommy bounce them back and forth like a punching ball. Five minutes later....

Running around with my slippers or chewing on Mickey's foot were more exciting for him.

He was off to play with some of his old toys. Which by the way, he's already getting bored with as well.

Or try to steal the camera from Mommy is always more fun.

So much for a brilliant idea by Mommy. Let's pray for the sake of this child that his daddy doesn't get deployed again because this child would end up in therapy from pure boredom. I think if hubby does get deployed again sometime soon, I'll have to go back to work and let outside help give him enrichment for the day, because I'm starting to get bored myself. I'm sure once the weather starts to get nice again, we'll have fun outside. The other day before the cold front came through, we sat outside in the driveway watching the pinwheels in our front yard and walked up and down the driveway for 30 minutes.

So, wish me luck for tomorrow.


Jude said...

If Daddy gets deployed...Gramma is coming to live there! What another state to have a teaching credential in!! Anything for Little Man A and my girl!

AmyBow said...

This is a really good example of why I couldn't be a full time SAHM. I am too type-A. I would want ot make sure I was being stimulating all the time and I have a hard time convincing myself that it just isn't possible.

It sounds like Little Man A is doing great. He is making his own fun, which is really a great developmental leap. No more depending on Mommy for entertainment!

Anyway, I tried to get LP to paint with chocolate pudding once. She liked eating the pudding...it might be a good indoor activity for A too...