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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our new countdown

Little Man A is still "dealing" with Daddy being gone. His new way of dealing involves asking about all things Army. The other day he wanted to hear an Army song. So we went to iTunes where we downloaded, "The Army is Rolling Along". Then he wanted to see Army trucks, particularly Army dump trucks. Then he wanted to watch an Army movie. That one, I didn't come through with, because well, let's face it. I'm not sure I could find a child friendly Army movie. He even gave Daddy an assignment for the weekend to take pictures of an Army dump truck, the huge iguanas that Daddy keeps talking about, the house where he lives, and his house phone (which actually happens to be the exact same phone we have here).

The other way we are dealing is with our new way of counting down. As of right now, we are planning on seeing Daddy in April. Whether or not this actually happens all depends on the Army, of course. On New Years Day, I counted out 106 paper strips to put them together to make a chain. Each month is labeled and is a different color just so we know we are on track. Then I marked each chain by 5's. It's a good thing I did this because 3 days went by last week before we pulled off some links.

So far we haven't had any major meltdowns like we did last month. Some days are still better than others, especially if BBZ doesn't wake everyone up at 6:30am! Most days, we get through the daily routine okay. But it's been awesome to see LMA's face every night when he pulls off one more link of the chain. And then when I have to move the chain lower we all get excited knowing that April is getting closer every day.

So let the countdown begin. I just hope the Army doesn't mess this one up or they are going to have one pissed off kid on their hands.


Wenderina said...

That is so sweet. Love that idea and fingers crossed for April schedule.

Lori said...

My fingers and toes are crossed that you guys get to see your hubby in April! Are you going there or is he coming home?

It's good to see that things are going well.

Congrats on the weight loss! I should really get off my butt and join you...