The beginning of the month started off with a good snow storm. Although I'm sure other parts of the northeast were hit harder than Virginia, it was still a good amount for these parts of the woods. Little Man wasn't sure at first what to do with the cold, wet stuff, but once Dad got out there with him, he was all go. At some point, they, I mean Dad, started to get really cold (which obviously meant Little Man as well), but he was rearing for more. So they decided to go out on the deck, which was a little more secured from the wind, and shovel a path. They both had a ton of fun running around the deck. Me? I stayed inside where it was warm.
A few times throughout the month, I had little or no clue as to what to do with my son. I mean, there are only so many times, you can sit in front of the train table, paint a picture, or play with play-doh. So we picked up baking... COOKIES! Who doesn't like cookie, especially when you get to taste your creations afterwards. After we had mixed all the ingredients together and I was dishing out the dough, Little Man decided he still wanted to be near, but didn't want to help. So he pushed his highchair to my side of the kitchen, retrieved a good book, and made himself comfy. He was totally content looking at his book while I finished the cookies.
Little Man's OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder) had taken on a new meaning last month, especially when he played with his cars. They all have to be lined up, facing the same way, and I'm sure in a particular order in his mind. Every once in awhile we'll play with him and turn some of the cars around when he's not looking. But just like his Mama, he can spot something wrong in a second. Sorry, baby.
Gramma and Pop-pop finally came to visit which meant, "Yeah! Someone new to play with!" And of course a little rest for Mommy since her heartburn was really flaring last month. Gramma was always finding new things to do. Well, some things weren't new, like playing a marching band, but with a new twist to make it extra fun. I absolutely love this picture even though it's blurry.
Like I mentioned before, Daddy and I went on a trip alone to the island of St, Maarten. It wasn't anything fancy, just a 4 day, 3 night stay at a nice resort. Daddy had purchased the trip package before Christmas which included stay and a $75 gift card to use anywhere for only $175! There were a few problems about the gift card offer once we got there... like that offer wasn't being accepted anymore. Don't worry, we've gotten the situation taken care of since returning back to the states. Trying to save a little money on flights (close to $800 for two from Washington), we flew out of Newark, which meant a little stay at Aunt Wenderina's. At first, Little Man being set in his ways and loving his home, wasn't sure about staying, but this little girl soon convinced her that it would be all worth it (of course playing the guitar with Uncle Carl and reading books in bed with Aunt Wenderina sure helped too). I heard after we left, little Penny was a little lost as to who to play with, but found her good ole buddy, Yasmine, would have to suffice once again to torture.
Stay tuned for April's Month in Review. We go to the National Zoo, spend Easter hunting eggs with Gramma and Pop-pop before they head back to California, and see Thomas the Train in Baltimore with Grandaddy!
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